Why does an audiology practice need a CRM?

What should an audiology CRM do for you (Lets look at what Geoffrey Cooling says!)
9th May 2020
What should an audiology CRM do for you (Lets look at what Geoffrey Cooling says!)
9th May 2020

Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company’s interaction with current and potential customers. It uses data analysis about customers’ history with a company to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth.

Medical practices typically haven’t really used CRM systems up to now, but due to a rapidly changing economic environment and increased competition in the marketplace it has become an essential for a select few practices – with huge successes!

Heardat was born from this need in an audiology practice setting – an increased need for tailored communication for every type of patient. For access to data at your fingertips, for a single dashboard view of individuals, branches or your entire branch network.

Imagine if a system can automatically communicate the RIGHT message at the RIGHT time to the RIGHT patient? Reminders of when to come in for a follow up visit, reminders of annual hearing test, service dates of instruments, thank you communication to referring patients / doctors and so much more.

What makes Heardat so special is the fact that is was designed for an audiology practice and with loads of input from audiology practices. Features in the system are totally different from that of typical CRM systems because of the fact that audiology processes and procedures is so much different from the normal business, and is so complex.

A common remark that we hear from our clients on a daily basis is “I don’t know we did this without Heardat!”

As opposed to a Client Relationship Management system (CRM) we prefer referring to Heardat as a Patient Relationship Management system (PRM) – because it really is about the patient journey and facilitation the patient experience!

General advantages of a CRM system such as Heardat in your practice or clinic:

  • CRM’s helps turn you into an improved informational organization.
  • CRM’s are known to improve customer retention, by as much as 27%.
  • Elevate your communication with CRM.
  • CRM means improved customer service.
  • CRM can help automate everyday tasks.
  • CRM means greater efficiency for teams.
  • CRM leads to improved analytical data and reporting.
  • CRM means happier customers.
  • CRM means a thriving business.

Your patients are the most important part of your business, and keeping them happy should be your top priority. Don’t put your business at risk; invest in a quality CRM tool, and prove to your clients that you care about their satisfaction. The CRM process shouldn’t be about working harder but about working smarter, so that your customers get what they want — and you do, too.

Contact us today to let us show you what Heardat can do for your practice!



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